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Hindi Se7en Watch Free

Se7en Hindi




  • A film about two homicide detectives" (Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt) desperate hunt for a serial killer who justifies his crimes as absolution for the world"s ignorance of the Seven Deadly Sins. The movie takes us from the tortured remains of one victim to the next as the sociopathic "John Doe" (Kevin Spacey) sermonizes to Detectives Somerset and Mills -- one sin at a time. The sin of Gluttony comes first and the murderer"s terrible capacity is graphically demonstrated in the dark and subdued tones characteristic of film noir. The seasoned and cultured but jaded Somerset researches the Seven Deadly Sins in an effort to understand the killer"s modus operandi while the bright but green and impulsive Detective Mills (Pitt) scoffs at his efforts to get inside the mind of a killer
  • directed by=David Fincher
  • creators=Andrew Kevin Walker
  • Genre=Crime, Thriller
  • Kevin Spacey









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Se7en watch in hindi online free. SE7EN is quite an extroardinary film. Unlike most films, which make everything sound so nice, this film bludgeons you with depressing images. The film is a ripe slice of hell, and is one film that you"ll remember. If you think you were pretty cool during the gruesome scenes, you"ll probably have nightmares later. David Fincher and writer Andrew Kevin Walker(wasn"t he an assasin? On no, that was Mark David Chapman) craft the film very well. Every scene is framed well, and there is a feeling of bleakness. This film goes against the "it"s not what you think, it"s what you"re wearing" complacent culture to show the "eminent death" culture. Think about it, won"t you? Gwyneth Paltrow is talented, and cute too. Brad Pitt is dumber than a bag of hammers, and Morgan Freeman is a noble savage. Kevin Spacey gave me the jim-jams something awful! Rating: 9/10(The end was a little ridiculous.

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